About Core Community
CORe is a peer-support group of bereaved parents that meets online and in person. Our members losses occurred from 20 months to 23 years ago. We do not discriminate on any grounds, especially not the cause of death of a child. It is a non-judgemental space that offers time, understanding and compassion.
In the Circle of Remembrance, we remember:

Story of Sangeeta and Simon’s journey
Saagar Naresh was a bright young man of twenty. Sadly, he was diagnosed with a serious mental illness in the summer of 2014. By autumn the same year, he was dead. Despite his loving family, his mother being a doctor and him being under medical care in the UK, this tragedy could not be averted.
To process Saagar’s sudden, violent death and to immortalise him in her own way, his mother, Sangeeta wrote a daily blog (www.kidsaregifts.org) which was widely read across the globe. She received incredible understanding and support from her colleagues, friends and family, especially from her husband Simon. She had never needed more support in her life.
In January 2021, a few bereaved mums and dads contacted her from the United States of America through her blog. They had been grieving in isolation and needed to connect with other parents. We all came together organically having found each other across continents. Sangeeta and Simon started hosting meetings on Zoom every other weekend for an hour and a half. Over time members developed a strong sense of belonging and became great sources of strength for one another.
As a community of bereaved parents, we now feel able to reach out to other parents who might be alone in their grief. We have exploratory, healing and empowering conversations that deepen our friendships and the understanding of our unique predicament that helps us grow, learn and unlearn together.

Dr Sangeeta Mahajan
Certified Grief Educator, Mental health activist and advocate
Sangeeta’s adlolescent son, Saagar died from a brief but serious illness. She believes that finding understanding and shared experiences amongst peers promotes growth and empowerment, even through deep sorrow.
Goals & purpose
Research has shown that parents who have not worked through their grief are at increased risk of long-term mental and physical health problems, higher need for medical attention and increased sick leave.
Our goal is that parents become aware of their increased vulnerability and accordingly, take better care of themselves by finding the support they need.