A very warm welcome to you.
Thank you for being a supportive member of this CORe community. It would not exist without you.
This is a space to get to know your fellow members and discuss all things life. Here we can share poems, music, links to helpful resources for each other. Here we can talk about our children to our heart’s content.
We observe the same ground rules as we do in our meetings. Just a quick recap:
1. We treat this space with respect. We do not use bad language.
2. We do not share any traumatic details of our loss.
3. We do not give advice, unless specifically asked for.
4. We share authentically and look after each other.
5. All matters in this space are held in confidence by all members.
That sounds very dictatorial, and I mean it 😉
There is a list of topics, up for discussion in the Forum. Please be mindful of the propriety, language and content of your contributions. The Forum will be monitored periodically.
Please enjoy this space and have it work for you in the best possible way. I can’t wait to meet you here.
I apologise for any teething troubles that we may have at the start.
Once again, a warm welcome to you.